As the echoes drew him further inward the Cartographer lost his way.
Caked in the colors of his surroundings his pale garb was stained.

In the maddening darkness the Cartographer held on to his sanity, imagining the planescape he traversed.
Reality in turn, unwatched, warped around his thoughts in the darkness.

In the dark shifting maelstrom that was now the Cartographer's reality, structures grew and fell as his memories melded with the abyss surrounding him. These memories that were not of planescapes and statues, but of people that had once inhabited them.

On the precipice.
After a time, when time had lost meaning, the cartographer found himself facing an infinite white. The white that had been the aim of his indomitable will. The unreachable goal filled his vision.
After a time, when time had lost meaning, the cartographer found himself facing an infinite white. The white that had been the aim of his indomitable will. The unreachable goal filled his vision.
His journey was at an end. All that was left was-